Research & Methodology

I am interested in the interconnected phenomena in making – between the artist & artisan in craft, materials and tools – technē.

Etymology: technē – greek word for ‘how to make things’, craft, practice, making or doing, experienced-based knowledge.

My work specializes in the epistemologies of empirical values obtained through making Materials: pigment, glass, dye & Drawings of the early modern period, 1400-1800 AD.

Through my research, I am able to bridge key concepts of design, experimenting, observational studies, creativity and artis(t)an epistemology. Influenced from these overarching discussions, I am interested to transfer these historical knowledges as a tool that can be applied towards ethical practices in art, craft, design & industry for a better future, being thrift in the 21st Century.

“Making is the foundation of knowledge, experienced.”
-Eva-Maria Spampinato